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Brotherhood shops (Opportunity shops)

Page history last edited by Social Policy Library 8 months, 1 week ago

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First shop auxiliary formed in Fitzroy and conducts first Brotherhood shop in Gertrude Street, Fitzroy  (BSL Annual Report 1952; BSL 1930?, Brotherhood Shop) 

Flyer: BSL 1930?, Brotherhood Shop



First “Op shop" opened in Gertrude Street in September 1938, later transferred to Brunswick Street(BSL Annual Repor1952; BSL 1930?, Brotherhood Shop)   



Fr Tucker opened a shop (with his office upstairs) at 49 Royal Arcade, Melbourne.



Two Brotherhood Shops are in operation - the Fitzroy Clothing Shop and the Opportunity Shop in Royal Arcade in the City, which sells donated articles including a large quantity of goods hand-made by BSL friends.  “A considerable business is also done through a voluntary helper in the sale and exchange of postage stamps.”  (BSL Annual Repor1952) 



First mention of the 9 suburban Opportunity Shops (no locations given) (BSL Annual Report 1957-1958BSL Annual Report 1959-1960)  



St Laurence Op Shop Auxiliary formed and first Geelong BSL Op Shop opened.



Opportunity shops rebranded as Brotherhood shops. 

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