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Paterson, Janet

The Research & Social Action Department was set up under the direction of Janet Paterson (1961). (BSL Annual Report, 1970).


In 1965, Janet Paterson, BSL’s Senior Social Worker in the Social Service Bureau, became the BSL’s first Director of Research & Social Action (BSL Annual Report, 1965; Magree (ed.) 1993 Looking forward, looking back: The Brotherhood’s role in changing views of poverty 1993 p.4). 


In 1966, the Church of England Social Service Advisory Council commissioned research “to prepare an overall picture of the work of Anglican agencies, and then to look at it in greater depth in terms of integration at a service level, coordination, accountability and flexibility”.  Miss Janet Paterson, BSL’s Director of Research & Social Action, was Secretary of the Steering Committee..


1967 saw the execution of Ronald Ryan on 1 February which brought condemnation of capital punishment in Father Tucker’s editorial.  This followed a document Why is There to be a Hanging? prepared and signed by senior members of the Brotherhood: Father TuckerBishop SambellDavid Scott and Janet Paterson.


in 1968,  Twenty-three students from La Trobe, Melbourne and Monash Universities took part in the annual week-long course based at Morven.  This involved visits to institutions and to homes of pensioners living in the inner suburbs.  New areas in the course were those of alcoholism and destitution; the final session by Janet Paterson was on the techniques of social action and how to work for and bring about social change.


In response to the support of the then Federal Minister for Social Services for the abolition of the means test which determined whether or not one is entitled to an age pension and the establishment of a ‘Removal of Means Test Association’, Janet Paterson (Director of Research & Social Action) wrote A Case for the Means Test.


In 1969, Janet Paterson, Director of Research & Social Action, resigned from the BSL after eleven years.


Prevost, Dyranda 
25 May 1941 – 10 June 2004


Dyranda Prevost worked for the Brotherhood of St Laurence [1969-80?] as a welfare worker, then as the Public Relations Manager and Photographer,.

Dyranda produced a series of black & white photos of BSL clients in Fitzroy [check accuracy]

Her photographs have been widely published and exhibited. 

Source: Prevost, Dyranda and Rado, Ann. "Living places: twenty houses." Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia : McPhee Gribble ; Ringwood, Victoria, Australia ; New York, N.Y. : Penguin, ©1987 



Price, John

Warden - The Avalon Community, Lara, 1988-1994.  Member Brotherhood of St Laurence, Melbourne, 1988-1994.  Manager - Avalon Conference Centre, Brotherhood of St Laurence 1994-1996.

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