Leaders of the Brotherhood
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by Social Policy Library 1 year, 2 months ago
Timeline - home / Organisation
Executive Directors & Board Chairs
Executive Directors:
- founded the Brotherhood as a religious order
- pioneered social welfare activities to address poverty.
- established the donated goods division
- Anglican priest; later Archbishop of Perth
See also : Sambell Oration
- Anglican priest; later became Archbishop of Brisbane, then Governor-General of Australia
- led the campaign Promise the children against child poverty.
Bill Ford (acting Executive Director 1990)
- Previously Director of Income and Business Development, oversaw Diamond Jubilee Year
- Anglican bishop, strong advocate of social justice for all Australians
- supported close links between Brotherhood research and services.
- Anglican priest, born in the United Kingdom, had set up income-generating activities with disadvantaged people
- fostered the concept of social enterprise.
John Wilson (acting Executive Director) 2003–04
- Board member, oversaw transition period
- brought strong background in services and policy development with people at risk of homelessness
- Strengthened focus on creating lasting change
- Built organisational service delivery capabilities.
- Joined BSL in November 2018, after being with World Vision Australia for 11 years leading teams that managed, researched and developed large-scale programs.
- Led two global strategic initiatives for World Vision International to promote evidence capture, utilisation and communication.
- Holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Anthropology from Monash University, and a PhD in Community Based Natural Resource Management from the University of Melbourne.
- Holds a DPhil and MPhil (Dist) in International Relations from Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes scholar
- Author of Rule of Law in War, (Oxford University Press, 2015)
- Associate Fellow of the Oxford Martin School and holds adjunct positions at the University of Melbourne and the University of Western Australia
- Board member of the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture
- Occasional moderator for the Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership
Chairs of the Board:
Venerable Andrew Curnow 1991-1993
Bishop Oliver Heyward 1993-1997
Sandy Clarke 1997-2000
Professor Stephen Duckett 2001-2005
Most Rev Dr Philip Freier 2016-2020
Leaders of the Brotherhood
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