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Ravenscroft, Coralie - (1953- ?)
First full-time social worker, Miss Coralie Merle Ravenscroft, appointed to the BSL staff on 1 March 1953 (the BSL became the first Victorian non-government organisation to do so) (BSL Staff Bulletin, Series 3 No.2, November 1964, p.5; Holden and Trembath 2008 Divine Discontent, p.119).
Rawlins, Nell - (1957-?)
Helped with the Building Appeal for extensions in 1956. Joined BSL Staff in 1957 as an Organiser. One of her tasks was to organise new BSL Groups and to help existing groups. Her aim was to have a BSL group in every suburb (BSL Notes No.122 February 1957, p.1).
Miss Nell Rawlins, the Brotherhood’s Auxiliary Organiser conducted a program of BSL news and comments from 3XY every Friday at 1.45 pm (BSL Annual Report 1959-1960 p.11 (no numbering).
Reeves, Jock (1920-1994)
John (Jock) Herbert Reeves was born in 1920 and died in 1994. He was Associate Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce and Lecturer in International Economics at the University of Melbourne. Reeves was a member of the Camberwell Branch of the Australian Labor Party and served on various committees of the Victorian Branch. He was co-editor of Labor essays, published in 1980 and 1981 and a founding member of the Victorian Fabian Society.
See also:
The collection mainly comprises papers relating to John Reeves' involvement in the Victorian Branch of the Australian Labor Party and the Victorian Fabian Society. There are also papers relating to his co-editorship (with Gareth Evans) of Labor essays (1980-81) and essays on political subjects written by Reeves.
The papers include ALP Victorian State Conference papers, correspondence, circulars, reports, pamphlets, publications, news releases, minutes, leaflets, notes, photocopies of articles, newsletters, reviews, drafts and other papers. Correspondents include Gareth Evans and Brian Howe.
University of Melbourne Digitised Collections: Reeves, John Herbert (Jock)
John Reeves, Housing the Forgotten Tenth: an Investigation of the "Problem Tenant" (C. of E. Men's Society and the Brotherhood of St. Laurence, 1944), 2 copies; John Reeves (co-editor), Labor Essays ;1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984; John Reeves, Walking the Outer Circle Railway with John Reeves, (brochure printed by Camberwell Historical Society, 1990)
Reynolds, Selwyn -
The Reverend Selwyn Reynolds licensed as curate in the parish of St Cuthbert’s, East Brunswick on behalf of the Brotherhood of St Laurence (22 February 1937)
Died at the G.K. Tucker Settlement, Carrum Downs January 1990.
Rook, Vera (1956-1971)
Matron at Carrum Downs from 1956 to November 1971. She was introduced to Father Tucker at Carrum Downs by Miss Johnson of the Hospital and Charities Commission in 1956.
Staff profile extract from Brotherhood News June 1968 : 'In the beginning', she commented 'I had no paid staff to help me and things were pretty hectic. Residents who were trained sisters helped in a voluntary capacity, and we were kept on the run visiting the cottages and Collins Court Flats as well as looking after the people who were sick in hospital.'
Extract of Vera Rook’s memories of the settlement from “G.K. Tucker Settlement – An Historical record 1935 – 1995, 60 Years with the Brotherhood at Carrum Downs” :
"I joined the Brotherhood of St. Laurence in 1956 having come from England a few months previously. I had been appointed Matron of a large geriatric hospital) on the outskirts of Melbourne. One day I was taken by a friend to see the Carrum Downs settlement and was introduced to Father Gerard Kennedy Tucker. I was most interested in his approach to the problem of caring for the aged. He asked me if I would come and work for the Brotherhood and I told him I would think it over.
The following week I visited Father Tucker again with the intention of declining his offer. We had a cup of tea in his cottage and I left with the promise that I would start work at the Brotherhood in a month's time. Father Tucker's ability to change people’s minds is well known!
During the following month I spent my days off from my other appointment at the Brotherhood doing voluntary work and getting to know how things ticked.
On the day that I took up my appointment found that the Manager had left, so not only was I Matron of the Hospital but my job embraced the whole settlement, the running of the flats, kitchen, catering and also many duties of the Manager."
Brotherhood News June 1968 - see page 4 for a staff profile of Vera
Brotherhood Action May 1971 - see page 3, story about the exercise classes for residents Vera started at Carrum Downs.
Rogers, Winifred -
Was originally appointed for 4 weeks , but it was decided that it was necessary to retain a full time helper at the Campaign Rooms and to employ her permanently at £3 a week. December 1965.
Winifred Rogers, one of the early workers of the Brotherhood, Father Tucker’s “offsider” for many years, broadcaster and manager of the Malvern Shop, died in September 1986
Russell, John Walter -
Priest - an inaugural member of the Brotherhood of St Laurence (1930).
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