
Service areas - Young People

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Our work with young people began with the efforts of Father Gerard Tucker, the Brotherhood’s founder, who worked to find accommodation for unemployed young men in the 1930s, so they could gain work and build better lives.


We continue to work for an Australia where all young people can stay engaged in learning, achieve their educational goals, find meaningful employment and live a fulfilling life, whether they’re from a refugee family, from a household struggling with poverty, or facing other difficulties.


Youth club - commencing in the 1960's, the Youth Club was a service of the Brotherhood enjoyed by many.




Hostel for homeless boys (“lads”) opened at 65 Brunswick Street (1937)


The Houses of St Francis were refurbished  to accommodate thirty-three boys following an appeal in March.  Bedrooms accommodating two boys each were erected on the first floor and part of the ground floor; a large dining-room, lounge, office, brothers' quarters, billiard-room and reconstructed kitchen added to general comfort and better management.  Lady Dugan, wife of the Governor, declared them open in April 1939.


See also: David Scott School.

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